The Virtual Memory Project, it is an exhibition made in augmented and virtual reality since 2019, where the viewer will have an approach to the collective Andean memory of Ecuador, through the artistic digital media technique of six female characters that represent Ecuadorian history, the project was made by the digital artists: Eliana Barrios and Juan Diego Andrango.

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Multifest 2019 - UDLA PRESENTATION

Dolores Cacuango

She was born in the latifundium of San Pablo Urcu, near Cayambe, at Pichincha province, in Ecuador in 1881, her parents were peons or as they were called by then “Gañanes indians”.
She was raised in a rural part in a very poor hut belonging to her parents and she never went to school. She never learned to read or write, but she had something in her that was different than the others, because she decided to teach others to overcome ignorance itself.
She learned Spanish in Quito when she worked as a housekeeper when she was young.

Rosa Elena Tránsito Amaguaña Alba

She was an Ecuadorian indigenous leader. She was born on September 10th of 1909, in Pesillo, at Pichincha Province, next to the Cayambe volcano.
We acknowledge her integrity and passion, perseverance, braveness and her dedication to defend Kichwa culture.

Manuela León

She was born in Punín, Riobamba, Ecuador, 1844, She was a brave woman who took part as leader of the communities and the indigenous people.
She was proclaimed in 2010 as a hero by the Ecuadorian government.

Baltasara and Manuela Chivisa

They were defenders of their community and Puruhá nationality without any doubt, even with their lives.

History tried to erase them, we know very little about what happened during that “erase” part, however the tales took them back to our memory when they were prey of the Spanish colonist.

Baltazara and Manuela were condemned to the hung as a result of their participation in Guano against the census. Baltazara was executed and brutally quartered in the public square of Riobamba, on the contrary, Manuela was punished with 200 lashes and 4 years of forced labor.

Lorenza Avemanay

(1753-1803). She was born in the bowels of Chimborazo volcano. She was a strong, rebellious, indomitable and wise woman who was feared and respected by all because of her tireless fight to obtain freedom. She was a woman who healed her people when Mestizo's medicines were not even close to arrive to indigenous people. She died in the most humiliating way, tortured and dragged but she fought till the end. She never gave up and she shouted "freedom" until the last minute of her life.

The appropiate DOING

The glowing sun, the breeze, the singing of the birds, the look of the stars when the night falls, the cold and rain water which trespass the pores to drill the bones, that´s the countryside; land of million women – invisible to many, inexistent for others – had left and will leave even their own life with the objective that the food arrives to our home, building a metamorphosis with the color of their hands with the color of the earth. Throughout the last 3 centuries, had been feminine characters that with their braveness, dedication and constancy of the defense of Kichwa culture and Ecuadorian people, had transcend in all this time, leaving by their side their comfortability and their cultural condition relegated as a woman to defend the rights of their people.

Nevertheless, the fragile collective and shot-term memory that we have, it has been wanted to erase the history of the habitants in here. The relentless regret of that dangerous game between silence and acceptance, silence that mutate in the tissues, in the oral memory which belongs to our grandparents and yet, has not been written, but from that silence, we have learned. That memory, which is an allied and accomplice with the nature in searching harmony, not for reaffirm out theories, but to find and re-find ourselves and our past, it is necessary write that from our endeavor.

This is the land of the perpendicular sun, the land of the corn, where all the grains join together and form the corncob; where the mountains build the best postcards of our memories and remembrance, where the smell of the wood-burning stoves consolidate our human beings; is the land of the condor, the bear, the puma, the jaguar, the serpent, the wolf, that care our seeds and the paramour; the land where we would want to be to no return and collapse in a game of worlds and collaterally in a God´s eclipse.

!We want that the memory and life of these women live in us!

Multifest 2021 – Virtual Memory in a 360 gallery

In 2021, a virtual gallery was developed to immerse the viewer in a totally new experience with these animated paintings.

Interview in Mundo Diners magazine on February 2022

Throughout this report, the Project Virtual Memory is highlighted, showing a little bit of the development as well as the story involved behind this project, this gallery was created to be seen with an Oculus Quest 2, both the interview and the report are in Spanish. PDF Here


Juan Diego Andrango – Lead Professor

Eliana Barrios – Lead Professor – English translation / French translation - Web Page

Eduardo Valenzuela – Professor – Pictures for exposition

Auki Jetacama - Kichwa translation

Paola Valladares – French translation

Karina Monteros – Kichwa voice

Melany Orellana – English voice

Doménica Cano - Audiovisual Producer – French voice

Pamela Villareal – Spanish voice

Alex Estrella – Ilustrator -

Daniel Guevara – Ilustrator and conceptual artist -

Wilson Vera – Visual artist–

Xavier Peñaherrera – Interactive Design –

Antonella Donoso – Visual Artist – Instagram/@bunny.design430

Angel Jumbo – Interactive Artist – Instagram/@aldaz6 – Linkedin/ angeljumbo

3D Stage – Unity Assets

Soundtrack – Lucho Quintanilla – MUNAYKI: Into the Heart of the Universe


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